Get those ballots in; deadline is May 17, 8 p.m.

Carl Carlson, 76, of The Dalles drops off a ballot today, May 16 at the Wasco County Courthouse.

He’s one of the few.

So far, turnout is at 24.57 percent in the County, according to Wasco County Clerk Lisa Gambee.

“As of the end of day Monday, May 16th, Wasco County is at 24.57% turnout,” she said. “Two years ago in the 2020 Primary, we were at 37.17% turnout.”

While this is a primary for state offices it is the final election for several very important local elections, including seats for Wasco County Commission as well as Circuit Court Judges.

While it is easy for people to become blase with a lack of national elections - such as choosing a President - it is important to note that the election of local officials likely has the most effect on our community as people living here must directly contend with county-level decisions or how crime and civil cases are adjudicated.

So, if that ballot is sitting there on the counter, give it some thought, fill in your circles and drop it by the Court House by 8 p.m. tomorrow, May 17.

Need some background on candidates. No problem.

Here is a link to CCCNews’ Meet the Candidates

Here is a line to the state voters’ guide.